Friday, May 8, 2015

A Star for Christ on Broadway

Corey Cott

Corey Cott headshot
A rising star on Broadway, and a light for Christ Jesus

This weblog was intended to be a review of my trip to New York City, with commentary about Big Apple related issues, and interesting things that arose on my 20-day trip. Like my other "new" blog, this one has been stalled; progress on these blogs was already lacking (despite some good motivation I'd received from Kara Lindsay and from the Newsies gang!), before health problems arose sharply, last July.

I still hope to jump start this blog, and post interesting content related to my NYC trip. Right now however, I want to share something special that I found, while on Broadway!

Forget about me

I participate each year in the Shorty Awards, seeking nominations for myself, in a few categories.  The Shorties are awards given in many categories to people who use Social Media. (I've gotten upset at some people, who I've done a lot for, but who were less than helpful during the Shorty Awards.)

Shorty Awards logo

This year however, I chose not to focus on myself, but sought nominations for someone else - an amazing young man who I'd found out about, when in New York.

Corey Cott and Kara Lindsay in Newsies on Broadway

One thing I wanted to do while in the Big Apple was see a Broadway show; I saw that Newsies was one of the shows, and thought it would be a good one to attend.

I remember doing a quick Newsies-related search, on my iPhone while riding on the subway, and learning that Jeremy Jordan was the star of the show. I was surprised therefore when I got my Playbill (I'd gotten a discount ticket, from the Newsies lottery), and saw that the lead actor was one Corey Cott - and Corey's bio actually had a Bible verse in it!

It's great that we have a man of Christ in a prominent role. (Newsies has ended its Broadway run, but Corey is currently starring in another Broadway play, and also has television credits.)

One thing I found very inspiring is this church interview with Corey Cott, by Pastor Doug Melder of North Way Christian Community.

I am glad that Corey & Doug are continualists - In the interview, Corey describes getting his prayer language.

Corey is going to go far. Pray that God will continue to use him mightily, to further the Kingdom, on Broadway, in the Big Apple, and beyond!

 "Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
  - 1 Cor. 10:31

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